Dog training

Our Cognitive-Emotional training method focuses on teaching the dogs new skills and strengthening problem-solving abilities using positive reinforcement. We put an emphasis on strengthening the bond between the dog and the family to help them enjoy each other's company with affection and respect. Our objective is to train the dogs and educate the owners on responsible dog ownership. Our method is reward-based: we use treats, toys and games that promote learning. We encourage the use of harnesses and soft wide collars and as members of IAABC, we adhere to LIMA- Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive approach to behavior modification and training.


Puppy Training

The main objective to train a puppy at a young age is to lay the foundation to learn good manners: sitting, coming when called, laying down and waiting, fetching and dropping toys on command. All those tricks and behaviors are not only cute to watch but, when practiced consistently every day and positively reinforced, they strengthen the bond with the family members and make life together easier. They also teach the puppy to learn (literally!) so he will be an eager and faster learner in the future when refining skills or getting ready to participate in sports. We add proprioception activities to stimulate body awareness, balance and fitness. 

Once the rounds of shots are completed and the vet has cleared the puppy for walks, we introduce leash walks and no-pull drills to make walks and outings fun and stress-free for the puppy and all family members. We also introduce visits to stores and places of high people traffic to help the puppy grow up well-balanced and confident.

Young and Adult Dog Training

Guess what? You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! All dogs can learn new abilities with the right training, and at The Pawsitive Pets we like to  make sure each dog reaches her true potential according to age, breed and prior training. We first define the training baseline the dog has, so we can either  introduce the dog to more structured habits, or reinforce the current ones. We follow the same guidelines we use with puppies, adjusting the timings and what is requested of the dog based on their age and responsiveness to the training protocols. We keep up with appropriate  proprioception activities to stimulate body awareness, balance and fitness and to refine behaviors. 

Behavior Modification

We intervene in cases where certain behaviors the dog exhibits disturb the home or the dog’s quality of life., such as crate training, potty training, separation anxiety or anxiety in general, leash walks, resource guarding, issues with dogs and young children. We take into account the family dynamics and we design and introduce protocols for the family to work with the dog to modify and change or improve the behaviors that cause issues


All our training services include after-class feedback: edited videos and photos from the class and a written class summary.

Our programs


  Dog training and coaching: we work together with the dog’s tutor and/or family once or twice a week to build up the foundation skills both at home and in public places. We give you the tools to work with your dog and take up new challenges later on.


·      - Individual Class: $130


·       -6 Foundation Training lessons: one hour lesson (average) held once or twice a week at the dog’s home, schedule to be arranged and subject to flexibility. $680


·       -10 Foundation Training lessons, $1100


·       -Add-0n lessons:

Once you’ve completed either the 6 or the 10-lesson plans you can add on a similar plan for a 5% discount on the original price.

  Intensive training plans: We do the training three times a week both in your home and out in the city: we may include stores, cafes and the street. Then we meet once a week with the dog’s tutors to show the accomplishments and review the skills acquired to keep the learning up. We will send you a summary and videos so you can keep up reinforcing the work done and the skills achieved, your dog still needs your help in between lessons.


·       -3-week plan, 12 lessons of about one hour each. $1300


·       -6-week plan, 24 lessons of about one hour each, $2450


·       Add-0n lessons: Once you’ve completed either the 3 or the 6-week plans you can add on a similar plan for a 5% discount on the original price.


  Specific goal plans: If you just want to polish some of your dog manners, like leash pulling, digging, marking, and want to work on a specific goal you can take our short 3-lesson plan. You can always add on more lessons if you decide to expand your puppy’s education $340

  ADD-ON dogs: in the case of multiple-dog households we divide the training into individual lessons and set goals for each dog, and then we conduct a multiple dog practice. We charge 60% of the original quote for the first additional dog and 40% for any other added. We work 30 minutes with each dog individually and then we do a 15 min practice with all the dogs together. These timings can be reviewed as we progress with the lessons


Get your free quote for dog training.
(786) 817 8850

South Miami, FL, US